Singular Markets

Diseño web

Visual identity and website design for Singular Markets, Corporate Real State company that provides consulting, support and management services for large real estate investments in local markets.

The final result is an identity that reflects that portion of an exclusive sector in the real estate market with a specific target audience. In the logo the concept is shown with different shades of blue, with in combination with a a consistent typography show elegance and professionalism, achieving a positioning in the sought limits inside the real estate market.

Diseño logotipo para real State Coruña
Símbolo para la marca Singular Markets
Papelería corporativa de la marca Singular Markets
Maquetación y diseño de portadas de libro corporativo
Manual de identidad o brandbook en donde se especifican las características del diseño de la marca
aplicaciones de papelería para la marca Singular Markets
Once the brand is made, the design and development of the corporate website is carried out in harmony with the initial concepts; a simple and east-to-navigate web page for private clients, fulfilling the positioning objectives.
Página web responsive para empresa de activos inmobiliarios
Adaptación de la página web a dispositivos móviles
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